Sean Szarnych (SF) #47, feels
slighted and is jealous of his
teammates, but will look to shine
this season on and off the court.
The Dribbling Seamen are quite possibly the most valued Intramural franchise in Clarke University history. However, this has its drawbacks. In a recent discussion with Seamen Shooting Forward Sean Szarnych, he expressed his blunt frustration with the lack of media coverage he is getting.
"I didn't like the article," said Szarnych. "I wasn't even mentioned. It's like I'm not even on the team I guess."
Despite the fact that Szarnych has a beef with the lack of coverage he gets, he doesn't let that affect his life away from the court. At the end of the 2013 season, Szarnych announced that he will use his position of a role model to start a program to support at-risk inner-city children. Szarnych said he would use his Basketball talent, knowledge, and wisdom in addition to his love for helping today's youth to those children who need it most.
"Szarnych Helping At-Risk Kids" otherwise known as "S.H.A.R.K." is designed to help inner-city children, starting in Dubuque, Iowa. With the successful launch of "SHARK," last spring, Szarnych also announced he will be expanding to helping inner-city toddlers with turrets. Szarnych expects that his new campaign, "Szarnych Helps Inner-city Turrets," to be ready by Christmas 2014.
On Saturday, however, Szarnych was active in his "S.H.A.R.K." program, playing Basketball with children who idolize his play with the Seamen. Children flocked to him as soon as he came in the door.
Once Szarnych grabbed a Basketball, two lucky Dubuque youths got the once in a lifetime opportunity to play Basketball with Szarnych and his former Seamen teammate Nick Anderson who joined him.
After a while of pick-up Basketball, Szarnych told the children the importance of getting their schoolwork done on time and said he was going to do homework of his own. But before he left, he made sure that his impact was left on the children in attendance on Saturday. The children he touched will have a lifelong memory and that is thanks to Szarnych's charitable efforts with "S.H.A.R.K."